A Convenient additional button for your Android device :- Pressy

The Pressy button on Kickstarter has excited more than 2,900 people as it adds an external physical button to your Android device.

Pressy is a small button with big potential

The Pressy app is set up to handle a few default actions. A short click toggles the flashlight. A long click toggles silent mode. Double click takes a photo. Pressy can be customized to fit your needs, so you can turn it into anything from an emergency button to a voice recorder activator.

The tiny button connects into the headphone port on Android smartphones or tablets. Coupled with the Pressy app, it can control certain functions, like turning on your flashlight, snapping a picture, or putting your phone on silent. 

The idea is to save the steps of unlocking your phone, locating an app, and tapping or swiping your way to your goal.

The small device is shaping up to be a handy time-saver for Android users, especially if you don't have your headphones plugged in all the time.

Pressy likes to be pushed around.

When you need to use your headphone jack for actual headphones, you can pop Pressy out and use your headphone media button to activate Pressy's commands.

Pressy has already handily topped its US$40,000 funding goal. A US$20 pledge includes a keychain holder for when you need to unplug Pressy. 


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