Sapphire Displays by Apple

The electronics giant is getting ready for massive production of sapphire displays. Speculation has been running rampant about Apple's plans for mobile devices with a sapphire screen and it is finally appear to be firming up on Thursday. Apple uses sapphire for the ID fingerprint sensor in the iPhone 5S The iPhone maker recently placed a large order with GT Advanced Technologies for furnaces and chambers used in making sapphire displays. According to 9to5Mac, GT Advanced has already received 518 furnace and chamber systems, which would let it build 103 million to 116 million 5-inch displays per year. (Another 420 machines are still on order, which would nearly double that production output.) Moreover, GT Advanced also has ordered Intego Sirius Sapphire Display Inspection Tool components, which would work to make sure that the displays meet high-quality standards. Apple late last year signed a contract with GT Advanced to produce sapphire-based materials...